Afternoon |
Check in and relax, explore the area. Informal gathering by the pool to meet and greet your fellow retreat participants. Room check-in is 3:00PM, but for those arriving earlier, Ryan and Corina have generously invited us to arrive whenever we want to lounge by the pool or walk the grounds. |
Dinner |
The all-inclusive meal plan begins with dinner on day 1. We anticipate having dinner served around 6:30 on the first day, with food reserved for those who might be arriving on later flights. The dinner discussion and poolside chat will be an overview to get you ready for the week. We will discuss the main areas of health including the GI system, the brain, the immune system, hormones, and the cardiovascular system. We will discuss how genetics/epigenetics impacts our health - and what triggers various genes to be turned on/off to create either health or disease. We will briefly touch on those things that affect the systems above and our genetics - including toxins, stress, sleep, movement, food, relationships and community, spirtuality, as well as what a history of trauma can do. We will talk about why resiliency, symptoms (pre-disease), disease and death are a continuum and how we affect where we are at on that continuum. Lastly, we will look at the timelines you created prior to coming - and talk about these - helping you fill these in more fully so you can see those things that pertain directly to you and your health/resiliency. You will get binders at this time as well which will include your personal itinerary and instructions for the week, any labs and case review information, as well as tools we will use during the week. We will also have various gift items that will be useful in the week. |
Evening |
Optional -Evening walk/tour of grounds, poolside chat. Discuss the morning routine and what it entails to be ready to go. |
7:00 AM |
Optional exercise/walk |
8:00 AM |
Morning routine/Settling routine (breathwork, guided imagery, meditation, relaxation) |
9:00 AM |
Breakfast with Discussion |
9:30 AM - 12:00 PM |
Educational Sessions |
12:00 PM |
Lunch & Discussion |
1:00 PM - 6:15 PM |
Island Excursions OR 1:1 Visits |
6:30 PM |
Supper & Chat |
8:00 PM |
Optional Evening Activities- vary by the day- including poolside chats, breathing exercises & gratefulness journaling/sharing, game night. |
DAY 2: Sunday |
We will discuss all things food. Food is medicine (or poison) and one of the most important things that positively or negatively impacts our health. We will discuss things like:
DAY 3: Monday |
The focus today will be on toxins and health. We live in a toxic world. Genetically we have a certain tolerance/resistance to toxins and then the rest will cause symptoms and disease. We will look at how this affects you, how to find and minimize the toxins within your control. and how to safely and effectively detox to improve cell health and resiliency. We will talk about all toxins, and this will include mold and trauma as common toxins to the body. We will discuss how toxins can put our cells into "Cell Danger Mode" and what we can do to heal this. |
DAY 4: Tuesday |
The focus today will be brain health. We will look at genetic impacts as well as all the lifestyle inputs to the brain. With ever increasing numbers of people experiencing dementia and other neurological disease, we will look at all those things that affect brain health, and how we can learn to protect our brains from these conditions. We will look at various brain assessment forms, learn some exercises to stimulate areas of the brain, learn how trauma affects the brain and tools to help manage/heal this. We will also talk about mood including depression and anxiety, and look at factors that contribute to each of these. We will provide methods/ideas aimed at alleviating these symptoms. |
DAY 5: Wednesday |
Today's focus will be other systems that need to be optimized for good health and resiliency. This will include the immune system (and autoimmune), hormones and the cardiovascular system. We will discuss things that impact each of these systems, and what can be done to optimize these - even in the face of genetics that may be at play. We will discuss food and lifestyle as well in regards to maximizing these areas. |
DAY 6: Thursday |
Today's focus will be on all the lifestyle factors that impact the areas of health we have been discussing all week. This will include information on the importance of managing each area, tips/tools to do this, as well as other resources. We will work on some goal planning in regards to these areas. Stress, sleep, exercise and movement, relationships and community, spiritual and emotional health. |
DAY 7: Friday |
Today we will focus on bring together all the information given over the week. We will use time for questions and answers as well as developing any other topics you express interest in for more information. We will be working on finalizing your personal health plan and goals as you get ready to head back into your day-to-day lives to sustainably implement what you have learned. |