Today we will discuss the importance of cleaning up our environment.
Environment: Our environment interacts with our genetics - creating health and balance or creating imbalance and symptoms. We want to maximize our environment to maximize our genes and health. Physical Environment: -Air (cleaning up air) -Chemicals: Outside - limit chemicals in your yard, outside. Inside - start decreasing toxins in cleaning supplies, body and beauty products, cooking, and stop any plastics. Physical (Body): Detox Consider toxins that affect internally: Foods we eat, dental work, stress, mold Home Environment: Keep clean areas which can help decrease stress, clutter, dust and toxins. Also - your kitchen/pantry should be safe with only the foods you can eat. Ask others to “hide” the products that may tempt you. Also make sure there are not major mold issues Relationships: Find supportive, growth minded relationships Remove or limit toxic relationships as much as possible |
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