Today we will discuss motivation for making the difficult choices in lifestyle that allow us to live in harmony with our DNA.
Mission Statement: Do you have a mission statement for your life? Have you thought about this or updated it? What is the meaning and purpose of your life? What do you want too accomplish and be remembered for? What are your goals? So often as adults, we forget to set goals and strive for things outside our daily lives. The challenge today is to really think about this and make a mission statement for you and what you want in your life and health. To meet those goals and our mission, we need to have good health. So the daily choices we make to support our bodies with the right food and other inputs supports our mission and goals. This is our “why”. We can often make difficult choices and make sacrifices if we know why we are doing it. So - focusing on your mission, goals and your “why” as you continue to change your health and lifestyle can really help push through the hard times. Learned Helplessness: Sometimes there are obstacles or things we can’t change in our lives - so we feel like we may as well not try. This can lead to learned helplessness - which can lead to a variety of health issues like inflammation, diabetes, autoimmune issues and mental health issues. Find the areas you can control, and focus on those - and your own health. Make those choices within your locus of control - and use the areas you can’t change as you try to address your health needs and challenges. Hero’s Journey: The hero’s journey is a common theme in stories that crosses time, religion, and culture. It is a struggle facing a person or society. The hero leaves to learn a key point/lesson to overcome that struggle or adversary, and then returns to engage in the struggle. Many of us have lived a journey like this - whether it was overcoming a trauma, a health journey or other difficulty. What is/was your struggle? What did you have to learn? What will you bring back to your community/tribe? We can often use our journey to help ourselves and others. |
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